Outgoing fellow, affiliation:
04/2022-03/2023: Institute for Cultural Inquiry, University of Utrecht, Netherlands;
04/2023-03/2024: Media Studies, University of Siegen
Reaching Out to Adolescent Audiences: Teen TV Drama from Germany

Dr. Florian Krauß
In Germany, as in other markets, established broadcasters struggle to get through to adolescent audiences, whose media use is dominated by digital and transnational media platforms. It is especially through fiction TV series that broadcasters have attempted different approaches to winning back and addressing the ‘desperately sought’ young audience. With a focus on fictional series and situated in research areas 1 (Digital and Media Culture) and 3 (Regional Economy in a Globalized World), the research project analyses: A) How does television from Germany, embedded in a transnational, digital media environment, reach out to adolescents (understood in a broader sense as 13- to 25-year-olds)? and B) How promising and successful are such attempts? The project explores teen TV drama and the broader transformation and diversification of current television in Germany especially on the levels of production, distribution and representation. From multiple perspectives, the project builds on the ‘circuit of culture’.