Incoming Fellow, affiliation:
08/2021-07/2023: Chair for Sociology, University of Siegen
Indian high-skilled migrants in Germany: Transnational Practices and Prospects

Dr. Amrita Datta
The project focuses on the transnational practices, motivations of immigration, and trends and prospects of the Indian immigrants in Germany including the latest entrants – Blue Card holders and Indian students in German universities. With the Covid-19 as the special lens, the project proposes to argue that the fast expanding Indian diaspora in Germany impacts the German social life at large and vice versa. As a subtheme, this project also explores the relation between migration and gender with reference to the emerging phenomenon of Indian women arriving in Germany for work and education. This phenomenon could be compared with the second phase of Indo-German migration when the women nurses from Kerala migrated to Germany for work and labour.
Consequently, the project aims at responding to the following questions:
- What are the motivations of migration for Indians in Germany?
- What are the transnational practices of the Indian migrants in Germany?
- What are the networks or pathways explored by Indian women migrants in Germany for transnational practices? What kind of practices emerge from those networks?
- What are the short and long term impacts of the Covid-19 on the growing Indian community in Germany?