Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Drug, Delivery Disposition and Dynamics
The Drug delivery, disposition and dynamics (D4) research teams within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS) are designing and developing the next generation of drug delivery systems and anti-infective agents to enhance medicine effectiveness and patient treatment.
Nicolas Voelcker
E-Mail: nicolas.voelcker@monash.edu
Nico's key research interest lies in the fabrication and surface modification of porous semiconductor materials for applications in biosensors, biochips, biomaterials and drug delivery.
A core research activity in his laboratory is the study of porous silicon based nanostructures and their surface chemistry. A current focus is the development of new nanostructured materials for biosensors, biochips, biomaterials and drug delivery.
Dr. Roey Elnathan
E-Mail: roey.elnathan@monash.edu
Research interests: To design and implement smart and functional nano–bio interfaces between nanoscale materials and mammalian cells.